

    Impressed by Donald's wealth? Think this is one sharp hombre when it comes to big business? Who better to manage the world's largest economy, right? Maybe according to him, but more objective sources tell another tale.

    According to Forbes and Fortune magazines, Donald Trump is worth between 1.8 and 3.8 billion dollars. No doubt about, that's a lot of cabbage and considerably more than his meager beginnings. After all, he only inherited $200 million from daddy Trump.

    And, if Donald had played it safe with his inheritance (but why would he, he's no apprentice), and invested this money in something like a mutual fund, what would his net worth be today? If he had chosen a mutual fund which tracked the S&P 500 – and done nothing else but let the money set, he would be worth $8 billion today.

    Yeah, that's the ticket. Let's put someone in the White House who handles money like the proverbial drunken sailor. Bear in mind that Trump will not have at his disposal a favorite out of his: bankruptcy, which he filed not once or twice, but four times in the last 25 years.

    If you absolutely have to vote for a Donald, I would suggest Donald Duck. At least he has his uncle Scrooge McDuck in his corner.

28 January 2016

The Electoral College

Civics 101


    Once again, the use of The Electoral College has come under fire as being:unfair and antiquated. The last time this issue garnered such vociferous uproar was, like now, when a presidential candidate won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote. “How,” people wonder, “can this be fair?” and “Doesn't this mean that my vote doesn't even matter?” From here the natural progression of thought leads to the conclusion that the time has come to scrap the system. On Tuesday, November 15th, 2016, California Sen. Barbara Boxer went as far as introducing legislation to abolish The Electoral College. The irony here is that when a party which won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote wants to abolish The Electoral College, that which becomes evident is the reason behind and the beauty of The Electoral College.

    The phrase, “Tyranny of the Majority,” was as well understood by the founding fathers as it is to most Americans. Simply put: just because a majority of people say something is right, doesn't make it right. Also, if we allow majority rule exclusively, the minority can easily be oppressed by a bad acting majority. Think of any right gained by a minority group and consider that, without protection from a tyranny of majority, those rights would not have been gained.

    The Electoral College is far from the most obvious example where the founding fathers sought to protect all citizens from this tyranny of the majority. There are 10 others that come to mind, filed as The Bill of Rights. If a majority agree that you should not be allowed to express your views, should they be allowed to silence you? Of course not. This would make a person in the minority less worthy as a citizen simply because they do not agree with the majority. Not only is this unfair, it is de facto inequality.

    To understand how The Electoral College works is to understand the system protects the rights of the minority from suppression by the majority. Electoral votes are awarded by representation. Each state has one elector for each of its senators and one for each of representative apportioned by population. For an example we can compare two states at opposite ends of the spectrum. California, with a population of 38.8 million people, has 55 electoral votes. Wyoming, with a population of 584,153, has three electoral votes. Thus each elector in California represents 705, 455 popular votes and each elector in Wyoming represents 194,718 popular votes. From here it is easy to extrapolate how a national popular vote can be won while losing the electoral vote. If the imbalance of weight behind electoral votes still seems unfair, bear in mind that just as a person can be a minority based on race or gender, so too can a person be a minority based on location. Just because someone is not living in a densely populated area, neither means they are worth less nor worthless.

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